Explore your Family Tree

Display your family history in a landscape Stitchbook album.

In this example I have explored different branches of my family tree all radiating from the first page. Using numbered pages (with tabs on the top of the book) to keep track of the links, I have highlighted weddings and key moments to show the generations and connections in the family.


Tell Your Family Story

I love the look of the black and white photographs on the linen background, the tone is subtlety vintage but will still look great with pops of modern colour.

It can be hard to fit in the whole of your family tree, so here I have kept it to direct descendants only, and tried to include double portraits (weddings) where possible to save space!

After this book was finished I created an Ancestry collection of Stitchbook Supplies and an ideas book around the idea of recording your family history in stitch, so those could be a great thing to look at to help you design your own family tree book.

Cotton Patches: Stitch Your Family Story

Stitchbook Journals


Rainbow Stitchbook